My sister had her baby on Thursday June 8th in Dallas, Texas. After a interesting trip down. (remember the teenagers, well lucky for me the closest ones were 4 rows up. But after get my connection in Denver I had a window seat next to a giant body builder who's arms took up half of my space as well. Luckily it was only a little under 2 hours. I always have that kind of luck when it comes to flying. Find me the weirdest person there and that is my seatmate.
It is a far cry for Portland weather here, it is a balmy 100 degrees and that is at about 11am. Today I woke up with a bad headache and sick to my stomach and it was the day to bring Jen and Payton home from the hospital. I was fine until about 3pm when I had a sip of watered down "Starbucks" Iced Vanilla Latte, about 5 minutes later I was not doing so good and ran to the rest room, lets just say I didn't make it in time and it was a little like a scene from the Exorcist. But then I felt better :)
My niece Madeline is a absolute doll and is walking and sort of talking. Since she keeps playing with my necklace when I hold her I am almost there with teaching her the word "Diamond" I don't think dad likes my influence on that matter too much. A girl has to learn these things very early, Grandma would be proud.
Madeline wearing her new little brothers hat