Here we go with another 12 of 12.... make sure you visit all of the other 12 of 12ers and Chad Darnell. And if you aren't doing it, there is always next month.....
today is Monday, May 12th.....
Why is it that when ever I am in a hurry there is a school bus? Can't they all just walk to school and save some gas...(kidding)
Driving all over the place today but had to get a picture of the monkey puzzle tree. Looks like it would hurt if you ran into it
Driving along and notice my sister and the kids are right next to me.... it was met with screams of Aunt Claudine, Aunt Claudine as we came to a stop sign
Had to stop to say hi

My fellow princess friend picked me up a new Princess Diana book that I didn't have yet, shocking, but true that I didn't have this one
Came home to a package on the porch. The newest kit from Cocoa Daisy.
We still have tulips blooming here, strange to see them in May
For dinner tonight we are having the Barefoot Contessa's Grilled Salmon salad. I love salmon, but John was not so sure of the idea. But he gave this rave reviews.
Tomorrow, Tuesday May 13th is Livestrong day, so Wear Yellow, donate to the Lance Armstrong Foundation or find a local event. We must find a cure for cancer
Getting out a fresh bracelet for tomorrow. Every time I go to a Nike store I buy a handful of these. Its a little way to donate but it all helps!
and because I am still on a high about this I will share the picture. Barack Obama was in town this last weekend and because of my super sleuthing abilities I found out where his private event was and stood on the street with my camera. Only hoping to get a picture from afar I was ecstatic when he crossed the street and shook my hand. It may now be one of the coolest moments ever! And as I have taught my niece to say "Barack Obama for President"