So it's been over 5 years since I posted anything on here, there wasn't much to post but work, maybe some shoes and some French cooking which didn't happen very often at all. Well now, it's time to dust off those typing fingers for something other than work and start this over.
After spending the 3 most amazing weeks of my life in Paris it is easy to write again. Every single thing in Paris is perfect, the food, the people, the museums, the streets, the architecture and the wine. I waited my entire life to go, a lot of people told me it was a silly dream and that it wouldn't live up to my expectations. Well it did, and exceeded them all as well.
I left the USA one person and came back somebody completely different, better and happier. And I can't wait to go back and to get back to writing for myself and for another Paris website. Many many more pictures and stories to come.